Lethal Watching Episode 49 - The Grand Dead Snow Experiment

  • Play:
  • Song Name: Lethal Watching Episode 49 The Grand Dead Snow Experiment
  • Artist: A Bad Education
  • Album: L
  • Year: 2012

Well. Bit of a strange episode this week as due to poor planning on the part of people who will not be mentioned (Gerard and Martin) Phil is alone this week, one man against an angry audience. So what does he pull out of his ass? A recording a commentary track recorded by himself and irregular LW guest Ryan Holland for the film Dead Snow recorded in sometime in (we think) 2010! How cool is that, right? Right?

This is very much an experiment as will be explained in the podcast so if you have any feedback please send it in to lethal watching at abadeducation dot com and we'll see if we can make this a regular thing! Or not.